Home remodeling, sometimes called home renovation, is a big undertaking that requires careful planning and attention to detail. From choosing a contractor to ensuring unforeseen costs are covered, there are many decisions to be made when planning a home remodel.
First, make a list of the project items you want to include in your renovation. This will help you determine which projects are the most important. You may also want to consider what improvements add the most value, if you plan on selling your home in the future.
Next, create a budget to work within. This will help you decide what to splurge on and what to cut back on. A general rule of thumb is to allocate about $10 to $60 per square foot for a typical remodel.
Once you have your overall budget in place, set up a consultation with one of our design professionals. They will walk you through each aspect of your project, including the scope, design, and cost. This will help you make more informed decisions, which may ultimately save you money.
Another important component of a renovation is finding the best home remodeling company that will be able to deliver on your vision. This person will be responsible for the overall project management and a lot of the construction work. So you want to make sure that you choose a reputable company with good reviews, as well as a reputation for building high-quality homes.
You may even want to look into getting bids from at least three general contractor. This will allow you to compare each estimate, and if any of them are significantly higher than you would like, it might be time to cut back on the project or eliminate some features.
It is also a good idea to discuss your budget with your contractor before he or she starts the actual construction. This will help to prevent unforeseen issues or time delays from arising.
If your remodeling project involves removing a load-bearing wall, it can be costly to remove and replace the structure. Be sure to factor in the cost of demolition and removal, as well as how the new structure will affect the structural integrity of your home.
In addition, be aware of the fact that some common materials are increasing in price. This includes lumber, for example. It is a good idea to choose your lumber from off-the-shelf sizes, rather than custom-made pieces. It will save you money in the long run and can improve the finished product.
The most important thing to remember is that a good design can turn any space into a functional and beautiful room. This can make your home feel fresh and modern, while giving it the character that you love.
You can also find inexpensive materials at local building-supply auctions. Brian Peppel, a homeowner in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, attends one such event each month and has found a number of items for less than $20.
A home remodel is an exciting and rewarding project, but it can also be a stressful experience. Fortunately, with some preparation and careful planning, you can have the home of your dreams without breaking the bank.